Source: DENNIS A. CLARK / Getty
Following the senseless murder of Hip-Hop star PnB Rock, many social media detectives got on Twitter and claimed it was a harmless post by his girlfriend, Stephanie Sibounheuang, that tipped off his killer to his location. One person, Cardi B, called C A P on that, and following the release of new developments in the case, she wants the apology to PnB Rock’s girlfriend to be VERY LOUD.
It didn’t take long for Twitter sleuths to falsely determine that PnB Rock’s girlfriend gave away the couple’s location when she shared a photo of the meal she was enjoying while at Roscoes Chicken & Waffles in South Los Angeles on Sept.12.
Sibounheuang was subjected to harsh bullying and accusations from people like Kodak Black and a rapper from Queens who will remain nameless pouring fuel on a fire based on no facts.
After new information revealed that PnB Rock’s killers were already at the restaurant before the couple even arrived at Roscoe’s location, Cardi B wants those same insanely loud and wrong people to apologize.
“Told y’all…… Yall must not know how the hood moves…. Y’all owe that girl an apology for the sh*t y’all put her through — knowing that she saw her baby dad die in her face…. Social media investigators YALL SUCK!!!!” the Bronx native wrote in reply to the new developments.
Told y’all……Yall must not know how the hood moves …. Y’all owe that girl a apology for the shit y’all put her through knowing that she saw her baby dad die in her face….Social media investigators YALL SUCK!!!!
— Cardi B (@iamcardib) September 28, 2022
Cardi B Has Been Consistent With Her Energy
Cardi B is one of the many, but at the same time, part of the few who were not here for the idea that Sibounheuang was responsible for PnB Rock’s death. Before requesting an apology to Sibounheuang, she was very vocal about how unlikely that scenario was.
“I highly doubt n—-s was looking at PMB’s babymom IG. He was in a bad location and people stay outside plotting,” The “Money” crafter tweeted on Sept. 12. “It’s very irresponsible and inconsiderate to blame her for something so tragic. We should be sending nothing but love to her and his family at this time.”
Cardi B’s call for an apology to be issued to Sibounheuang comes after TMZ broke the news that a 17-year-old, a woman believed to be his stepmother, was arrested in connection with PnB Rock’s murder.
The teenager’s father was arrested in Las Vegas, the celebrity gossip website reports.
Twitter is also reacting to the latest news and agrees with Cardi B in the situation. You can peep those reactions in the gallery below.
Photo: DENNIS A. CLARK / Getty
1. Welp
— ٍ (@DVCARDI) September 28, 2022
2. YUP
People were quick to blame PNB Rock’s girlfriend for posting their location come to find out the killers were already there
— Sheik Ace (@DCvalid) September 28, 2022
Nicki Minaj owes PnB Rock’s girlfriend/babymama a PUBLIC apology for assuming that girl posting their location was the reason he was killed. The killers were arrested today & police are saying they were ALREADY at the restaurant. It had nothing to do with the picture
— iBEYstannin
(@ibeystannin) September 28, 2022
4. Mmmmmhmmmm
Y’all blamed PNB Rock’s girlfriend.
Y’all blamed the lady Trouble was fucking on.
All the smoke for the women and nothing for the men actually behind the gun.
— Pfizer Söze (@IceQuebe_) September 28, 2022
I hope the celebs who was quick to blame PNB Rock girlfriend for his death come out & apologize. That nigga Kodak Black was saying she should kill herself…
— Trav (@GriffinDrive_) September 28, 2022
Y’all disrespected PNB Rock girlfriend more than y’all did the actual killer/robbers… It even made people get on here lying like “that’s why I never post my location” when nobody checking for you anyways… People owe her an apology for how loud and wrong they were. Sad situation
— More Life
(@pj_iykyk) September 29, 2022
People dog piling PNB Rock’s girlfriend on the most traumatic day of her life only for it to be proven that what happened still would’ve occurred regardless of her Instagram post is why you shouldn’t react without having all the info.
— Dedee
(@thoughtfulbae) September 28, 2022
all you “street” niggas and “as a girlfriend of a hood nigga” pick me ass bitches owe PnB Rock girlfriend a big ass apology. Blamed that girl for his death and her instagram post had absolutely nothing to do with his death — and this is exactly why y’all should shut the fuck up.
— . (@__KeepingUpWitB) September 28, 2022
The apologies will be performative and I know she wont get one from that music artist that was loud and wrong. Sending love to PNB rock girlfriend and their child.
— Jason (StarWind) (@EscaflowneClown) September 28, 2022
Millions of people were dead ass wrong for blaming PNB Rocks girlfriend, including myself, for his murder.
Now we have information to CONFIRM she played ZERO role in it. It’s okay for us to admit this and apologize for further traumatizing her. We ALL owe her this.
— Julian Sissle (@JulianSissle) September 28, 2022