Source: Gilbert Carrasquillo / Getty
Aries Spears is currently catching the wrath of Twitter after fat-shaming Lizzo and using a highly insensitive comparison to do so. As a result, fans of the popular singer is reminding Spears that he’s definitely seen slimmer days himself.
The clip of Aries Spears taking a shot at Lizzo was captured by the YouTube program, The Art Of Dialogue, which shared a now-viral clip of Spears looking far more washed that the 47 years of age he reportedly is.
We would love to avoid giving a breakdown of what Spears said but for the sake of context, the comedian compared Lizzo’s shape to the poop emoji and complained about her choice to show off her body in an array of outfits. To be fair to Spears, he did realize that this was the case of the pot calling the kettle a Negro but it shouldn’t have even been shared widely as it has.
Aries Spears is getting cooked left and right on Twitter and we’ve got the clip in question and the reactions below.
Photo: Getty
My problem with the Lizzo shaming is why is everyone acting like they’ve never seen a fat person before. People be fat bro, move along.
— The Girl CC (@lolaoflucia) August 27, 2022
They have seen fat people but they never seen one be praised and happy so that’s the issue. They short circuiting because of the fact that Lizzo is praised and happy.
— Rain | Media | Publicist
(@BloggedByRain) August 27, 2022
Fuck Aries Spears for that Lizzo video it was uncalled for and nasty , but to then lie and say he wasn’t a pivotal part of MADTV is stupid lmao especially to ppl that watched that show every Saturday
— Vol. 2… (@TyRellington) August 27, 2022
I’m appalled by the lack of self awareness. He breathing heavy sitting down. Lizzo is in great shape as a performer. She twerks, sings, dance, and play an instrument at the same time. Aries spears fat ass sound like a cold air intake just from sitting down
— Chris. (@chefmade_92) August 27, 2022
Cause I guarantee you Ari*s Sp*ars doesn’t care if you hate him if he’s trending on Twitter.
Mad TV went off the air almost 2 decades ago. He finna use this engagement to sell some standup tickets ASAP.
— THIQUE CHURCH GIRL. (@MsPackyetti) August 27, 2022
But also i kinda dont like when people bring up Lizzo and yall go straight to try and justify her fatness by listing all the healthy thing she does. Healthy or not, Lizzo deserves respect because shes a human being and she deserved every accolade and all her success. Period
— Libra’s Groove
(@NikkiCallowayy) August 27, 2022
Aries Spears sitting there lookin like a real life MUK talking crazy about Lizzo.
AKA The Visionary (@BigHomieKODAQ) August 27, 2022
What’s really sad to me is how the interviewer specifically brought Lizzo up to praise her music and songwriting skills, but Aries jumped over all of that to talk about how fat she is.
— Yves’ Pinned Tweet (@AdamantxYves) August 27, 2022
Aries Spears a fat black man out of breath while sitting and talking, discussing diabetes and being fat aimed at Lizzo who performs and sings while being fat is INSANE
— Peace + Happiness (@IgnorantEnlight) August 27, 2022
That video of Aries Spears talking abt Lizzo’s weight while he is visibly sweating & breathing hard while sitting down is wild lmfao. Focus on yoself, bro
— koriand’r (@_relaxbro) August 27, 2022
The post Chunky Comedian Aries Spears Attacks Lizzo With Fatphobia, Twitter Holds Up A Mirror appeared first on The Latest Hip-Hop News, Music and Media | Hip-Hop Wired.