Kevin Samuels Mentioned In Tribute Section Of BET Awards, Twitter Reacts #BETAwards

Atlanta FX

Source: Guy D’Alema / Atlanta FX

Kevin Samuels, the controversial media figure known for his searing takes on Black relationships and wealth building, died earlier this year under tragic circumstances. During a tribute section at the BET Awards, Samuels’ name was mentioned among the fallen and Twitter chimed in with their thoughts.

The BET Awards concluded on Sunday (June 26) with a segment of the ceremony focused on celebrities known to the culture that passed away. As mentioned in the reactions, the great Sidney Poitier was among several individuals named so it came as a shock to many that Samuels would find his name among the tribute.

Samuels died on May 5 of this year at the age of 57, sparking a flurry of comments, debate, and the like. With a sharp and often brisk delivery, the self-proclaimed image consultant was viewed as being especially harsh towards women who routinely called into his Instagram Live discussions for advice. Samuels was equally as tough on men during these segments but it would be fair to say that because women called in more, they caught the brunt of his criticism.

Despite it all, Samuels had far more supporters than detractors, including several Black women who say his advice and tough talks actually aided them in their quest for love. That said, Samuels’ passing inspired those who held a quiet grudge to loudly proclaim their disdain for his stances.

On Twitter, many are reacting to seeing Kevin Samuels in the BET Awards tribute segment. We’ve got those reactions below.

Photo: Atlanta FX














Source: Hip-Hop Wired