Source: Johnny Nunez / Getty
Rick Ross has to pay up. A company owned by Rozay has been hit for six figures worth of fines due to labor violations at multiple Wingstop stores.
The scenes of the crimes were in Mississippi, allegedly.
Reports TMZ:
The U.S. Department of Labor says they hit Boss Wings Enterprises LLC — Rick Ross’s company — with a $114,427 fine for back wages and other penalties after the agency determined their franchises were violating labor laws.
Unclear what period of time this covers exactly, but the DOL claims that after an investigation into 5 locations — all owned and operated by Boss Wings — they found many of the employees were taking home less than $7.25/hour after factoring in all the deductions — a big no-no under the minimum wage laws on the books.
According to the DOJ, the owners of the Wingstop franchises were charging the employees for their “uniforms, basic safety training, background checks and cash register shortages.” This is illegal since those fees cut into their base pay, which at $7/25 an hour seems extra savage on the part of the franchise owners, if true.
The DOJ also claims that the franchise owners made their employees work overtime hours without proper compensation. No word from Rozay about the fines, but he’ll surely use the cover that this is a case of franchise owners running amuck on their own accord.
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